The Mom2B mobile appli­ca­tion study is a natio­nal ongoing mobile appli­ca­tion-based mother cohort, antici­pa­ted to recruit 10,000-20,000 Swedish women by 2024. All Swedish-speaking women above 18 years of age and owning a mobile smartp­ho­ne who are either pregnant or have delive­red within three months are eligib­le for parti­ci­pa­tion. This novel study is a conti­nu­a­tion of work within the BASIC study in the field of Peripar­tum Depres­sion (PPD), and the aim is to use digital pheno­ty­ping data from the Mom2B smartp­ho­ne appli­ca­tion to develop models to predict women at high risk for mental and somatic compli­ca­tions. Inclu­ded self-report instru­ments are based on results from the BASIC cohort. Further, the appli­ca­tion records digital pheno­ty­ping data, physi­cal activi­ty measu­res, and voice recor­dings, after consent from parti­ci­pants (Figure). Priva­cy protec­tion was central in the design of the appli­ca­tion and data is collec­ted only on i.e. relati­ve geograp­hi­cal movement patterns, and not the exact position of parti­ci­pants, or patterns in posting, liking, etc in social media, but not the content of the posts. The appli­ca­tion is a further develop­ment of the Beiwe research platform source code from the Harvard School of Public Health (Onnela Lab), adjusted to the Mom2B study questions and adhering to GDPR regula­tions in Sweden. Data will also be linked to natio­nal regis­ters and data on socio­de­mo­grap­hic infor­ma­tion, sick leave, diagno­ses, and medica­tion will be availab­le for a period of 7 years after study inclu­sion. The Mom2B app was intro­du­ced at the end of Novem­ber 2019 to the App Store and Google Play and the study is current­ly recrui­ting parti­ci­pants at a natio­nal level (more than 8.000 parti­ci­pants have alrea­dy been recruited).

The study protocol has been published in 2022 and is availab­le here.

Bilal AM, Frans­son E, Bränn E, et. al. Predicting perina­tal health outcomes using smartp­ho­ne-based digital pheno­ty­ping and machi­ne learning in a prospecti­ve Swedish cohort (Mom2B): study protocol. BMJ Open2022;12:e059033.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059033