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Protocol: Predicting perina­tal health outcomes using smartp­ho­ne-based digital pheno­ty­ping and machi­ne learning in a prospecti­ve Swedish cohort (Mom2B): study protocol.
Bilal AM, Frans­son E, Bränn E, Eriks­son A, Zhong M, Gidén K, Elofs­son U, Axfors C, Skalki­dou A, & Papad­o­pou­los FC.

Read the full paper here: https://​bmjopen​.bmj​.com/​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​b​m​j​o​p​e​n​/​1​2​/​4​/​e​0​5​9​0​3​3​.​f​u​l​l​.​pdf

Diffe­ren­ti­a­ted mental health patterns in pregnan­cy during COVID-19 first two waves in Sweden: a mixed methods study using digital pheno­ty­ping.
Frans­son E, Karalexi M, Kimmel M, Bränn E, Kollia N, Tas A, van Zoest V, Nordling E, Skalki­dou A, & Papad­o­pou­los FC.

Read the full paper here: https://​www​.nature​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​/​s​4​1​5​9​8​-​0​2​2​-​2​5​1​0​7-3

Unimo­dal vs. Multi­mo­dal Predic­tion of Antena­tal Depres­sion from Smartp­ho­ne-based Survey Data in a Longi­tu­di­nal Study.
Zhong M, van Zest V, Bilal AM, Papad­o­pou­los FC, & Castel­la­no G.

Read the full paper here: https://​dl​.acm​.org/​d​o​i​/​1​0​.​1​1​4​5​/​3​5​3​6​2​2​1​.​3​5​5​6​605

Perina­tal mental health: how nordic data sources have contri­bu­ted to existing evidence and future avenues to explo­re.
Karalexi MA, Eberhard-Gran M, Valdi­mars­dót­tir UA, Karls­son A, Munk-Olson T, & Skalki­dou A.

Read the full paper here: https://​www​.tandfon​li​ne​.com/​d​o​i​/​e​p​u​b​/​1​0​.​1​0​8​0​/​0​8​0​3​9​4​8​8​.​2​0​2​1​.​1​9​9​8​6​1​6​?​n​e​e​d​A​c​c​e​s​s​=​t​rue

Explo­ring User Experi­ences of the Mom2B mHealth Research App During the Perina­tal Period: Quali­ta­ti­ve Study.
Bilal AM, Pagoni K, Iliadis SI, Papad­o­pou­los FC, Skalki­dou A, & Öster C.

Read the full paper here: https://​forma​ti​ve​.jmir​.org/​2​0​2​4​/​1​/​e​5​3​5​0​8​/​PDF